Become an Official
Become a level 1 Official:
Step 1: Head to Ridernet
Step 2: Scroll down to the green ‘Become a Coach / Official’ and click the button ‘Become and Official’
Step 3: Follow the prompts
Become a level 2 Official:
You will need to attend a Level 2 Officials Course. You can express your interest below by contacting us
Become a level 3 Official:
Step 1: Complete the below form. You must also include your participation Journal with the application
Officials Licence Renewal Form
This form can be digitally completed. To do this download the form onto your device, complete, save, and email the saved file to the nominated email address.
Step 2: Email your application and Participation Journal to your MTAS Representative, to find out who your Rep is please contact us
Step 3: Your application is reviewed by the Motorcycling Tasmania Officials Committee
Step 4: Motorcycling Tasmania notifies you of your applications outcome
Become a level 4 Official:
Level 4 Officials are appointed by Motorcycling Australia (MA).
To be a Level 4 Official you must attend a Level 4 course – run by MA.
To apply to become a Level 4 Official please see the following process:
Step 1: Complete the below form
Level 4 Expression of Interest Form
Step 2: Send in the completed form along with your Officials Log Book to
Step 3: Your application is reviewed by the Motorcycling Tasmania Officials Committee
Step 4: Motorcycling Tasmania notifies you of your applications outcome
Step 5: Successfully endorsed applications will be forwarded to MA
Step 4: MA will be in contact with the successful applicant to arrange/notify the applicant of course
Renewing an Official’s Licence:
To renew either a Level 1, Level 2 OR Level 3 licence please complete the below form.
Officials Licence Renewal Form
This form can be digitally completed. To do this download the form onto your device, complete, save, and email the saved file to the nominated email address.
Types of Official
There are a number of different types/accreditations of Official that are used is all disciplines of motorcycle sport.
Steward: The person with supreme control of a race meeting. The Steward is MA/MTAS’s representative. The Steward has the power to enforce penalties and adjudicate over the rules. It is rare for competitors to have any dealings with the Steward as the actual running of the meeting is done by the Clerk of Course. *A Working with Children Check is required for this accreditation.
Referee: The person who has supreme control at a Speedway race meeting. The Referee has the same functions as a Steward but has more direct control over a meeting. *A Working with Children Check is required for this accreditation.
Clerk of Course: The person responsible to the Steward for the running of the meeting. The Clerk of Course will ensure the circuit is safe, the Officials are at their posts and refer to the Steward those difficulties that cannot be resolved at a lower level. If you have any questions are safety, legality or the running of the races you should direct them to the Clerk of Course. *A Working with Children Check is required for this accreditation.
Race Secretary: The person in charge of the administrative aspects of a meeting. Matters of entries and fees, grid positions, materials and equipment should be directed here.
Measurers & Scrutineers: Responsible for determining the safety and eligibility of machines and riding gear.
Starter: The Starter is responsible for the actual starting of the race as well as assessing the fairness of the starter. He/she may also declare a false start if someone is disadvantaged.
Judge: The function of the judge is to declare the order in which the competing motorcycles cross the finishing line.
Flag Marshals: Responsible for signalling race conditions and instructions to riders and providing initial safety assistance.
Grid Marshal: In charge of the safe and proper running of the pit area, including the grid. The Grid Marshal ensures that the correct riders are on their appropriate row at the due time. They will refer problems to the Clerk of Course.
Observer: Known also as the Marker, is an important part of the Trial discipline. Their role is to observe riders as they pass through sections of the course and record penalty points on a punch card or tally sheet.
Levels of Officials & What They Can Do
There are four different Levels of Official.
Level 1:
A Level 1 Official cannot be a Steward but can act in every other role mentioned in the “Types of Official” section above. These Officials can act as Officials at competitive Club Events.
Level 2:
These Officials can act as a Steward and fill roles at Club and/or Interclub level events.
Level 3:
Officials with Level 3 of accreditation can officiate at Club, Interclub or Open/State level events.
Level 4:
Officials with Level 4 of accreditation can officiate at Club, Interclub or Open/State and National level events.
Level 4 Officials are appointed by Motorcycling Australia